Agroforestry plot, Villiers en Désoeuvre

Scarabée Network - Agroecological Cropping Systems, Biological Regulation and Biodiversity

Location, surface
The Scarabée network groups together the plots of 32 farmers with little or no livestock production, most of whom have an interest in biodiversity. The farms are located in the south-western departments of Ile de France and neighbouring departments (Yvelines, Essonne, Eure and Eure et Loir)

Types of agricultural production
Among the 32 farmers, 15 are in organic agriculture, 7 practice conservation agriculture, 5 are part of the Dephy farm network, 5 practice conventional agriculture.
After initial contacts with farmers in 2016 and 2017, flower strips were planted in the plots in autumn 2018. Several research programmes led by the UMR Agronomy are on-going in the network.

Issues and place of the pesticide issue
The network was set up with the aim of understanding and evaluating the effects of ecological arrangements (flower strips and plot reorganisation), inserted in coherence with cropping systems, that enhance biodiversity. It also aims to enable the development of these arrangements in the region by mobilising the agricultural profession and education, as well as the stakeholders concerned, such as hunters, naturalists and beekeepers.

Projections for the project
Within the BeCreative project, the Scrabée network allows farmers to experiment with innovative solutions on the scale of their farms or on the scale of groups of plots and plot edges (WP2). These solutions can be evaluated from the point of view of the ecosystem services provided (WP3). Finally, the network can be mobilised for innovation tracking or surveys on emerging dynamics (WP1).

Leaders Be Creative :
Aude Barbottin, Antoine Gardarin, Muriel Valantin Morison