WP3 "Assess"

WP3 "Assess"

Analyze the performances, impacts and services provided in cropping systems and territories in transition.

The objective of WP3 is to evaluate, at the scale of the plot, the landscape and the territory, the capacity of innovative cropping systems and landscape configurations to reconcile agronomic, economic and environmental performances.

The increasing difficulties encountered recently in agriculture have highlighted the vulnerability of forms of agriculture based on the massive use of pesticides. Several alternative cropping systems, based on the principles of agroecology, are proposed or adopted by farmers to meet these challenges. The implementation of these cropping systems relies on the valorization and management of ecosystem services such as regulation services or production support services and on an increase in biodiversity in the field and the landscape. This increase in biodiversity concerns the diversity of species and varieties cultivated or managed in the field and its surroundings.

BE-CREATIVE assumes that several innovations, such as the increase of agrobiodiversity in cultivated areas (in space and time) and in agroecological infrastructures (e.g. the use of biocontrol solutions, agroforestry, territorial crop-livestock systems, ...) will emerge from the design process in several territories. This will result in a diversity of cropping systems and landscape arrangements.

Whether they are the result of participatory workshops (WP2), research or farmers' experience (WP1), these innovative systems must meet a set of agronomic, economic and societal performance criteria, while limiting their environmental impacts and promoting a set of ecosystem services on which these systems function.

To meet theses challenges, the work carried out in WP3 is structured in two actions:

- Action 1: Produce, analyze and model the production of ecosystem services and its temporal evolution in cropping systems and territories in transition to 0 pesticides.

- Action 2: Develop and implement tools and methods for multi-criteria evaluation and monitoring of the performance of cropping systems and territories in transition.

The WP3 of BECREATIVE will seek to bridge the gap between agroecological principles and practices through an advanced state of the art and a multi-level integration of socio-economic and agroecological knowledge and approaches. For this, WP3 will use a range of assessment tools (indicators, spatially explicit model, process model, etc.) that will be made available for use in the STC.

WP Leaders: Aude Barbotin (UMR SADAPT) ; Antoine Gardarin (UMR Agronomie)