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ISARA Lyon, Engineering School for agricultural, food and environmental sciences offers professional engineering program (MSc degree) and master programmes, and carries out research and extension. The Faculty emphasizes the thrill of scientific investigation through hands-on work, with an excellence on Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.

Research and extension activities at ISARA are developed into the fields of Agroecology, Environment and Food Systems. Research activities intertwine expertise on agroecology, plant science, soil science, ecology, landscape ecology, geography, economics and sociology. Recently research activities at territory scale became more important. The general objective of the “Territoire d'agroécologie" project was to study and support the transition of the territories' agricultural and food systems, with action research partnerships engaged with three territories in the former Rhône-Alpes region.

The main participants are: Hélène Brives, Florian Celette, Joséphine Peigne.

The total number of the staff is around 150, PhD and post-doc people included

See also

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 29 June 2021 | By: OR