UMR ABYS INRA-Cirad-Montpellier SupAgro-Ciheam-IAMM

The "Biodiversified Agrosystems" joint research unit (UMR System) produces knowledge and tools to assess and design cropping systems combining economic efficiency and the production of environmental services.

The researcher involved in the project is an expert of the analysis and design of transitions in order to facilitate the adoption of novel systems. From plot scale to farm scale, her research undertaken sets out: 1) analyse the technical and organizational changes during transition like conversion towards organic farming, along with their impacts on the efficiency of the wine-growing system, 2) identify room for manoeuvre and the levers to be applied to accompany transitions for different types of cropping systems and ensure the flexibility needed for adopting systems to desired or necessary futures, 3) analyse variability in agricultural, environmental and economic efficiency with a view to developing the resilience capacity of systems within changing contexts.

Main participant is Anne Mérot.

The total number of the staff is around 58, PhD and post-doc people included