WP2 "Create"

WP2 "Create"

With the actors, imagine productive territories without pesticides
Designing a "productive territory without pesticides" is an extremely ambitious objective that requires highly creative processes. There is a lack of knowledge to reach this objective, for example on biological regulations. Moreover, the territorial scale requires us to consider the participation of heterogeneous actors with potentially divergent interests.

The design sciences devote a lot of work to creativity - the ways of stimulating it and overcoming fixation effects (e.g. obvious solutions that designers think of spontaneously and that limit creativity). It can help us to think differently in order to produce innovative solutions towards our design target, ultimately pesticide-free territories. The WP2 will gather existing knowledge (agronomic, ecological, economic, organizational, etc.) and produce new one, tools and methods to support the creativity of territorial actors in designing solutions for productive and pesticide-free territories.

Our hypothesis is that creativity will be fueled by the combined contributions of researchers and local actors, by testing the solutions, and by innovative ways of working together in the territories throughout the co-design processes, which must be managed in an adaptive way.

We defined three closely intertwined actions. The first one focuses on the identification, production and formalization of useful and shifting knowledge to foster creativity in the territories. Design is a process that must be informed by knowledge but also generates knowledge. It is this link between design and knowledge production that will be studied in Action 1. Action 2 will focus on the study and production of intermediary objects and modes of collective work that support creativity in the territories and that are known to generate different types of outputs according to their nature and their mobilization (learning, solutions, forms of organization, etc.). Action 3 will carry out a transversal analysis of the co-design processes in the territories, their connections with WP1 and WP3, in order to value the whole design dynamics at work in the territories.

In terms of methods, these three actions will study and accompany the design in each Case Study Territory (CST). The methods will be shared between territories and adapted by each of them. Feedbacks from the CST will provide proposals for improvement and new ideas.

This WP is very strongly articulated with the two others. It is informed by the lock-in factors, the potential levers of unlocking and the expectations of the actors revealed in WP1 (Action 2). In return, the solutions imagined in WP2 have systemic effects in the territories, which are analyzed throughout the project in WP1 (Action 3). WP2 also interacts in an iterative way with WP3 since creativity is fed by the a priori and in itinere evaluation of the designed solutions.

WP leaders: Lorène Prost (INRAE UMR SADAPT), Laure Hossard (INRAE UMR innovation), Marc Moraine (INRAE UMR innovation)

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 14 June 2021 | By: OR