UMS Methods and tools for citizen sciences (MOSAIC)

Mosaic, "Methods and tools for citizen sciences" is a scientific unit accompanying other researchers in the development of their citizen science project. It was created at the beginning of 2020, thanks to the accumulation of experiences within the National Museum of Natural History and Sorbonne University over the past 20 years. The Unit, which is a continuation of the 65 Million Observers project launched in 2015, is trans-faculty and accompanies projects in all scientific fields: humanities, medical research, environmental sciences and natural history.

Mosaic promotes an original method of data co-production, based on sharing and interactions between participants, leading to both quality data and participants who are engaged and who grow in competence around the issues related to the data produced. There is a huge field of application, both within academic research (sciences related to ecology and the environment, medical research, humanities and social sciences) and with public actors (various agencies, communities) or civil society (companies and NGOs) who wish to involve residents, users, employees in the production of shared data to solve a common problem.

This service unit functions as a competence center and offers a set of services: (i) incubation of new projects (and search for funding), by being a force of proposal and being able to go as far as the proof of concept and/or a prototype; (ii) co-design with project leaders (stabilization of the protocol, study of the springs of participation and the organization of stakeholders, RGPD reflection, etc.); (iii) realization of participation websites (functional specifications; mock-up, ergonomics, design; agile development; architecture and data management); (iv) hosting and corrective maintenance of the shared digital infrastructure.

The diversity of projects and actors that the Unit accompanies makes Mosaic a place of capitalization of experiences, ensuring a double transfer: between disciplines within research and between research and other actors of society. Mosaic is accompanied by a scientific and technical council, which is in charge of mobilizing the methodological achievements as a source of inspiration for research.

The main participant in the Be-Creative project is Romain Julliard.

The total number of the staff is around 15 people

See also

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 21 June 2021 | By: OR