In the foreground, a nesting box for wild bees, which allows to follow the reproduction of these bees by counting the number of occupied tubes (=clogged, here by earth).

UMR CESCO (Centre of Ecology and Conservation Sciences), Muséum national d’histoire naturelle

The Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), contributes to the knowledge and conservation of biodiversity through research, higher education, training, and conservation of reference collections, as well as providing expertise to the French and European government for environmental policies. Within the MNHN, the CESCO, Centre of Ecology and Conservation Sciences, is a scientific research team investigating the ecological basis of conservation biology, as well as developing interdisciplinary research on socio-ecosystems (among which agroecosystems), considering the interactions between social and ecological dynamics.

A large part of this research is based on data collected by volunteers in several biodiversity monitoring schemes (Vigie-nature observatory, CESCO is the French leading organization about citizen science based observations and databases. Such databases are among the largest available in France on common biodiversity and are used beyond research activities to produce biodiversity indicators for policy makers and other stakeholders. As part of Vigie-nature, CESCO has launched in 2011 a Farmland Citizen Observatory in France (Observatoire Agricole de la Biodiversité, OAB, (, which now involves ca. 3,000 fields. CESCO has also launched 65MO (65 million observers) in 2015, a program aiming to promote citizen involvement in research, via the development of IT solutions to facilitate participation.

The main participant to Be-Creative project is Emmanuelle Porcher.

The total number of the staff is around 100, PhD and post-doc people included

See also

Modification date: 04 July 2023 | Publication date: 07 June 2021 | By: OR